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Student Health

Student Health Plans with AcademicBlue

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana offers quality and affordable student health plans through our AcademicBlue program. Our plans are specifically designed for college and university students.

College students laughing together and smiling.
Students working together in science lab.


Trusted Coverage Through College

When it comes to health care needs, AcademicBlue benefits offers peace of mind for college students and their parents:

  • Network options that offer coverage at school, home or while traveling in the U.S. or abroad
  • Access to over 2 million in-network providers and over 97% of U.S. hospitals through our local and national PPO networks
  • 24/7 care options for urgent care, health questions, behavioral health and wellbeing management
  • Virtual Visits for non-emergency situations with board-certified MDLIVE doctors or therapists 24/7 by phone, mobile app or online video
  • Pediatric dental and vision coverage included
Two friends hugging each other for emotional support.


Behavioral Health & Wellbeing Support

Behavioral health is just as important as physical health. As students navigate college, AcademicBlue plans offer:

  • Our new Mental Health Hub, providing the right care for your unique needs. Access mental health providers, find a variety of videos, podcasts, articles, tools and more. 
  • Learn to Live access, an online program offering behavioral health support and assessments
  • Care coordinators to help students navigate care options
  • Treatment or support for depression and anxiety, eating disorders, autism, substance use, bipolar disorder and more

Log in to your member account and visit the Wellness section to get started using these resources.



Member Resources With BCBSMT

Cellphone with text bubble icon

Mobile Tools On the Go

Access your member account, behavioral health wellbeing support and our 24/7 Bilingual Nurseline - all from your phone.

Log In to Your Account
Heart icon

Rewards for Healthy Living

Earn points and prizes for making healthy choices through the Well OnTarget® program, hosted through the AlwaysOn app.

Visit Well onTarget
Tennis shoe running icon

Savings On Wellness Items

Get discounts on health and wellness purchases like workout clothes, healthy eating programs and so much more with Blue 365®.

Visit Blue365

Covered Universities

Select Your College or University

Informational Video

Peace of Mind for Parents

Did you know AcademicBlue plans may cost less than employer-offered plans? Plus, you'll know your child can access trusted care at college.

Learn about the AcademicBlue benefits with an informational video.